Located at the foot of historic Mechanicsville in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, Martin Printing LLC is a full service custom commercial printer. A second generation family owned business, Martin Printing has been serving the Knoxville area and beyond for over thirty years. In 2007, Martin Printing acquired family owned Walker Printing (also in its second generation of ownership) in a merger that combined the client base of both companies. Walker Printing had been in operation since the late 1940's. Martin Printing LLC offers a full line of printing and mailing services to suit your needs.
The reason we exist as a company is to glorify Jesus Christ. Yes, we print, but above all we live and work in our community so that, as we get to meet people, we can share with them the good news of who God is and what He has done. We do this by living lives that speak of who God is, by the way we treat others, but also by telling people about God and His amazing love. If you have any questions about what you read on this site, please feel free to contact us anytime to talk about it.
In Christ
Who is God? – God is holy which means that God is set apart. He alone is God and deserves to be worshipped and praised. God is righteous which means that God is perfect and can only do what is right. God is the Sovereign Creator and Ruler of all things and as such He alone has the right to determine how we are to live.
Who is man? – God created mankind to worship Him and to be with Him forever. He intended for us to live in His presence and to live all of our lives giving Him the honor that He deserves. From the beginning, however, we have desired to live for our selves rather than God. The Bible calls this sin. We lie, steal, desire things we don’t have (covet), give honor to other people or things above God (idolatry). Ultimately, we live life the way we want to rather than the way God designed us to.
Our problem: The consequences for our sin is separation from God, both now and for eternity. The bible tells us that the penalty for our sins is death both physical and spiritual. This means that, since we have sinned, there is nothing good enough in us to make up for our sin debt. We need something outside of ourselves in order to make us right with God.
God’s solution: God, knowing that we couldn’t do anything to overcome this problem ourselves, did what only God could do. Jesus Christ, God the Son, came to earth and took on flesh to live the life that we were supposed to live. He then went to the cross and took on our sins and the punishment for our sins so that we can now legally be set free. He then rose from the dead three days later giving us assurance that His payment was sufficient.
Our response: Hearing about this great news isn’t enough. The bible tells us we must respond to this news in God’s way. First we must repent. This means we must agree with God that we have lived our own ways and have lived lives that were offensive to God and that we now desire to live our lives for God. We ask God to forgive us and to turn us away from our old sinful ways and set our hearts toward living for Jesus. Second we must have faith in Jesus Christ alone to save us. This means that we recognize there is nothing we could ever do to save ourselves from the punishment we deserve and that we now believe that what Jesus has done on the cross is sufficient to pay our sin debt and we trust in Jesus to rescue and save us. Those who, by God’s grace, have responded this way are now declared innocent before Him and the Holy Spirit now dwells in us to give assurance of our salvation. He will begin to grow us in holiness until we will one day be glorified and live in His presence forever giving Him the glory He deserves. Those who do not respond to God this way will continue to be separated from God now and in the final judgement will be eternally separated from God in hell. God says that today is the day of salvation. If in reading this message, God is drawing you to Himself, respond to God by talking to Him and asking Him to forgive you and place your trust in Jesus alone to be saved and begin experiencing God today.